Author Your Most Powerful Marketing Asset On Your Lunch Break. Have Your Dream Clients Read It On Theirs™
Here's How To Author a Great Book That Positions YOU as the Expert In Almost as Much Time as it Takes to Eat Your Lunch...
Most people think that writing a book takes months or years of hard work, slogging it out in a room on your own. Using our “Capture Your Genius Methodology®,” you can easily become a published author and get your book outlined, written and published in almost as much time as it takes to meet your clients for lunch.
Your Book = Your Most Powerful
Marketing Asset
You’ve spent years developing your specialized knowledge. You’ve helped countless clients. In every way you are a leader in your field.
If more people knew about you, you would attract more clients than you’d know what to do with. That would be a good problem to have. How can you make that happen?
Imagine having at your disposal your own dedicated army of salespeople. Every day, and every night they are working around the clock to bring you new leads. They never call in sick. They never ask for a vacation. And, best of all you never have to pay them. Like magic, when you walk in the office in the morning, your inbox has the names of people who are eager to start a conversation with you and will happily pay for your expertise.
This would be a game changer for your business. That’s what a book can do. It’s evergreen expert content that can be used in digital and print form a hundred or more ways, year in, year out.
Your prospects are overwhelmed with choices. Everyone is vying for their attention. Instead of trying to “shout louder” to get noticed, let’s create something of value that can help them right now.
There’s no better way to build trust and make yourself stand out as an industry thought leader.
It’s time for you to claim your rightful place - at the top.
Got questions? We’re here for you and you can access your new Author Kit (no email needed).
Want to see what a Lunch Break Book is like? You can order a complimentary copy and have us ship it to you for free. Contact us and let us know which book package you’re interested in.
Ready to get started? Apply here.
Here’s to your even greater success!
Julie Guest
Chief Marketing Strategist & Lunch Break Books® Head Chef
Your Lunch Break Book®
We have designed the Lunch Break Books® system to be the most fun and efficient way for you to author and publish a “thought leadership” book that engages your audience and positions you as an industry expert. Using our unique “Capture Your Genius Methodology®” authoring a great business book couldn’t be easier.
Rather than taking months, your book can be out there like your very own sales force, collecting leads in as little as 3-6 weeks. Your Lunch Break Book® is yours and we want it to be your best marketing investment ever. Get your book out there and if you need to update it, you get a full year to make one complimentary revision. Just send us your manuscript changes and we'll update your book for free.
Dr. Bill B (Medical Aesthetics)
“I can't say enough good things about you guys. This has been my best investment to date… It’s been three years now and my book is as popular as ever. .”
Gary P (Consulting)
“Who knew such a little book could be such a game changer. I’ve wanted to write something for a long time but never executed. I have to admit I was a bit apprehensive and I was wondering if I needed something longer. Turns out you were right and I didn’t … I get thanked for writing a book that’s so easy to read. Our clients love my book and they’re always asking for copies to give friends and family . I’ve also been able to get local press from it and our local Chamber of Commerce asked if I would come and do a key note address. Today, the majority of my income is from business consulting and coaching others which is all a result of this powerful little book..”
Jane C (Financial Services)
I wanted to tell you that I have had an amazing response to my book so far and we only just started telling people about it on social media. I can’t wait to see where this book takes our business. We’re already planning to do a series with you and will be starting our second one with you in a few weeks.
“This one book has helped our team to generate more leads for our business than all our other advertising combined … when we take it to listing appointments our close ratio is now 90% instead of being around 50.”
Andrew P (Real Estate)
“You guys are the best. My only regret is that I didn’t do this sooner …”
“Just do it … that would be my advice. I got a Lunch Break Book created and handed it to our sales team to use … the response has been incredible.”
“Wow, wow, wow… my Lunch Break Books just arrived and I am so happy… my wife can’t believe I’m now a published author! What a thing to see yourself in print …”
Collin A. (Financial Services)
“It makes a difference that you know marketing … I am in awe of how my book has changed things for us. It has definitely been the smartest investment we’ve made in our business over the past several years...”
Jake F (Financial Services)
“Since we started using our book [in our marketing] the difference is like night and day… people actually want to talk to me.… I even had someone I had never met call our office to request a copy of my book because they’d heard about it … I can’t wait to see where this will take us.”
Jennifer N. (Life Coach)
“I thought it would be a massive project to get my book written and out into the world. It was very intimidating …thank you for helping me get over that and showing me it really is possible with your help…all told this entire project from start to finish took less than 5 hours of my time.
Alex.B (Recruitment)
“Thanks for walking me through this process. It felt a bit intimidating at the beginning because I’ve never done anything like this before but your staff put me at ease and made it a really enjoyable process… I’m already planning the title of my next Lunch Break Book.”
Carol P (Insurance)
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“Life goal achieved, thanks to you guys...this process really was easy and dare I say enjoyable.”
Learn More With This Podcast Episode
I was going to call this 100th episode "how to make more money in your lunch break, than you did all last year" - but decided that the title should be a little more specific and less brash. The truth is, that's what a great book can do for your business. And no, you don't have to write it yourself, and yes, a great book really can be written with just 60-minutes of your own time - the same amount of time it takes you to squeeze in a workout on your lunch break or meet clients for a quick bite.
If you have ever thought "I'd like to be an author someday" then this episode is for you.
And, if you've ever found marketing your business uncomfortable, annoying or confusing, then this episode is for you too.
Revealed, your marketing silver bullet!
Capture Your Genius Methodology®
You might be wondering how we can write a book on your behalf - one that’s written in your voice, keeps the reader engaged and that captures all the unique, amazing things you do in your business? The answer is, by taking you through our Capture Your Genius Methodology™. Step one begins with your book strategy - we create a strategic outline for your book content based on your goals and our research. This is followed by Step 2 which is the actual book recording which is a relaxed, podcast-style interview where we take you through a series of questions to help you talk through your best content. Following this our writing team gets to work, crafting your narrative and writing copy for your book. Then you review your manuscript, we make any changes and get your book into design and published. You can learn more about our process here.