Get Started

Maybe you already know what your book’s about? You’ve spent years thinking about it, agonizing over it while you’ve been gaining even more specialized knowledge.

Or maybe you’ve always wanted to author a book, but need help narrowing down the topic that would be of most interest to your prospects (we can help with that). The time consuming part is to get what’s in your head out on paper where it can start spreading your idea, helping potential clients and generating leads. That’s where we come in. Having helped people just like you write 100+ books, we’ve created 3 products to get you and your company in front of the right people no matter what industry you’re in.

To get started, submit your application.

Need a little more detail about the process? Check out this page.


Our highly effective “fly on the wall” question and answer book format.

It’s as though your prospect is able to eavesdrop on a conversation you’re having with another client.

This book format is perfect for you if you’re looking for the fastest, most cost efficient way to get noticed in your market. It’s also a great format to use to test a new idea or product or service with.


Using a different format than “The Expert,” your words are written in our rapport-building conversational narrative book format. Using this format your prospects feel like you’re talking one-on-one with them. You have a longer recording time to “capture your genius,” which means you have more time to establish your leadership authority and convey value.

You’ll also receive more marketing tools, media attention and national exposure of your name and company.


This is a fully custom book, written in your style, specifically to appeal to ideal prospects. Your recording time is broken down into four 60-minute sessions to enable you to talk about your topic in much greater detail.

The Pioneer is the perfect book for a BIG IDEA or a topic of such critical importance to your target market that your unique viewpoint needs a longer and more customized book, and more marketing tools, media attention and national exposure of your name and company.